No Dig Garden, No Dig Mind

A no dig garden bed depends on nature

To do what nature does best.

In digging up the garden,

One brings up buried weeds and 

Disturbs a perfect framework in the soil.

Instead of digging,

One feeds the soil with 

Manure, mulch and compost.

Manure will break up the soil.

Mulch will warm the soil in harsh conditions.

Compost will fertilise the soil.

Sunshine and rain will help with

The penetration of the nutrients.

The result is a nutrient packed garden,

In which worms and microorganisms 

Break down and enrich the soil,

Without any hard work from you.

A no dig mind depends on its origin 

To abide in what it knowns best.

In digging up the mind,

One brings up the illusions from the past And disturbs the perfect Framework of the Now.

Instead of digging, 

One feeds the mind with 

Intelligence, compassion and love.

Reason will break up the ego mind.

Compassion will warm the soul in harsh Conditions.

Love will fertilise the heart mind.

Sunny and rainy moments will help with The integration of this healing.

The result is a Love nourished mind,

Which trusts in the process of

Breaking down the false and

Enriching the mind with the true,

Without any personal effort.



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