The Feather

You are sending me feathers.

There are beautiful feathers, 

So alive with colour.

There are broken feathers, 

So often trodden on.

There are lifeless feathers, 

So beaten by storms.

There are tiny ones, 

So easy to miss.

There are large ones, 

So clear on my path.

The feather, 

Symbol of freedom and inspiration.

My inner being represents 

The beautiful feather, vibrantly alive.

My body represents 

The broken feather, aching.

My small mind represents 

The lifeless feather, worn out.

My guiding voice represents 

The tiny feather, abiding in Stillness.

My teaching voice represents 

The large feather, obvious and clear.

Beautiful feather,

Symbol of Freedom and Higher Love.

I see You!

There is perfect communion.



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