You Truly Came

For so long, I was seeking for You.

I sought You in the image of myself,
There I found You not.
I sought You through my body,
Something was always missing.
I sought You in the pleasures of the world,
They never fully satisfied.
I sought You in the false security of existence, that
Crumbles so easily.

My eyes have seen You in the eyes of my loved ones,
Yet I never truly saw You.
My ears have listened to You in love songs and poetry,
Yet I never truly heard You.
My arms have touched You in the arms of my beloved,
Yet I never truly knew who I was holding.

All my life,
You were present,
A silent call from within,

Amidst the noise from the outside.
I was asleep in a fearful dream,
Not knowing You were guiding me,
Gently asking to awaken into Love.

Until You truly came,
In the presence of a friend.
My being fell into this inexpressible Love.
I disappeared and I still am !
Love became my reality.

The search has stopped.

Just an abiding in Love.

Now, I truly
See You,
Hear You,
Hold You.

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