The Voice of Control Against the Voice of Life

The mind made itself grander than the laws of nature.

We build our houses and roads, where earthquakes occur naturally,

Where tornados form naturally, where the sea erodes the mountains, 

Where volcanos vent the heat of the earth, where forests are the lungs of the world. 

When we see the laws of earth, wind, water and fire in action, our mind calls it destruction.

There is no argument with the natural laws. 

Our fearful mind made an illusionary world of control. 

If this split mind could drop its powerful allegiance to the Voice of Control, the battle would come to an end.

The Voice of Life remains.

There is no battle between an illusion and reality.

Reality is a unified realm beyond time, space and form.

In its unconditional expression, it flowers in boundless love and uncaused joy.

In its completeness, it creates a state of peace in the mind, beyond comprehension.



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